To retrieve data from an SQL database using a select query, process the `ResultSet`, and map the results to a POJO class in a Spring Boot application, you can follow these steps:
1. Set Up Database Configuration:
Ensure you have configured the database connection in your Spring Boot application's `` or `application.yml` file.
2. Create the POJO Class:
Create a POJO class that represents the structure of the data you'll retrieve from the database.
public class MyData {
private String column1;
private String column2;
// ... other fields, getters, and setters
3. Retrieve Data Using JdbcTemplate:
Use Spring's `JdbcTemplate` to execute the select query, process the `ResultSet`, and map the results to the POJO class.
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
public class DataService {
private final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
public DataService(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;
public MyData getDataFromDatabase() {
String query = "SELECT column1, column2 FROM your_table_name WHERE your_condition LIMIT 1";
return jdbcTemplate.query(query, rs -> {
if ( {
MyData data = new MyData();
// Set other fields as needed
return data;
return null; // No data found
In the above code:
- Inject the `JdbcTemplate` bean into the `DataService` class.
- Use the `query` method of `JdbcTemplate` to execute the select query.
- Inside the lambda provided to the `query` method, process the `ResultSet` using `` to iterate over the result rows.
- Map the retrieved data to the `MyData` POJO.
4. Controller to Expose Data:
Create a Spring Controller to expose the retrieved data as an API endpoint.
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
public class MyController {
private final DataService dataService;
public MyController(DataService dataService) {
this.dataService = dataService;
public MyData getData() {
return dataService.getDataFromDatabase();
5. Run the Spring Boot Application:
Start your Spring Boot application, and you can access the data using the API endpoint, e.g., `http://localhost:8080/api/data`.
Make sure to replace `your_table_name` with the actual table name and `your_condition` with the appropriate SQL condition for selecting the desired row.
Please note that the above code assumes you are using Spring Boot's built-in `JdbcTemplate`. If you are using JPA or other ORM frameworks, the process might be slightly different, but the basic idea of querying the database, mapping results to a POJO, and exposing them through a Spring Controller remains the same.